New Student Registration 2024-2025
* Detailed student registration directions for NEW Families.
* Detailed student registration directions for Existing Families. |
Laconia School District
Strategic Goals (2023-2028) After a year of work, the Laconia School District strategic goals were unanimously approved by the Laconia School Board on Tuesday, December 19th. Strategic goals establish an organization’s priorities and can challenge habitual behaviors to develop strategic actions that focus on improvement. Aligning the efforts of people in an organization with resources is necessary to achieve strategic goals. The Board's approval of these goals is the culmination of a thirteen-month school/community effort that began with a community forum on November 16, 2022. 1114 data points about the district's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) were collected from over 100 teachers, support staff, city officials, parents, students, administrators, state representatives, and community members. From this data, the district identified three overarching goal areas: Academics (including Literacy, Teaching and Learning, and Assessment), Wellness (Student and Staff), and Community Resources and Engagement. The goals and sub-goals were developed by task forces and went through several iterations after receiving feedback from the School Board, the Board’s Strategic Planning Committee, a Community Focus Group, School District Administrators, and the Goal-Area Task Forces themselves. These goals are an important component to help us realize our mission and vision. Please link here to see all of the strategic goals and sub goals.